Wednesday, October 3, 2007 videos, agenda, etc.

The videos for the class are hopefully going to have arrived by the time class starts on Oct. 13th. If not, we will go the old-fashioned route (which I have gone before, so it's nothing new) in which I go around the room showing everyone the casting-on stitch.

If you want to take a look at some of the videos we'll be using (I persuaded the library to order the CD-ROM set for us!) go to and look especially under Basic Techniques, I believe it's entitled. You'll notice that there's two options for almost every video: Continental or English. The wonderfully talented Amy Finlay prefers Continental, and I have heard it is faster in the long run, but English is easier to catch on to, and I personally prefer it (but that has less to do with it).

NOTE: You will not be "required" to bring needles the first day of class. This is because if you have not ever purchased needles, you would be purchasing them blindly. I will give you instruction on which needles to buy for which yarns. In the meantime, I will bring my brigade of needles up to the library and we will use those (unless you just already have needles and would like to bring yours, too).

Agenda to cover Oct 13th while we are potlucking:

1. Recommended supplies list and substitutions
2. The components of knitting that we will be covering throughout the duration of the class' run

3. At least one method of casting-on! (In other words, getting the stitches onto the needle)

Can't wait to see you all there!

We are now officially meeting every second and fourth Saturday of the month (starting this month, October 13th) from 6 to 7pm at the Crowley Public Library. The library is located at 409 Oak Street, Crowley, TX 76036.

Directions, from the Crowley Public Library website:

"From I 35: Get off at Rendon/Crowley Rd.(1187):Take a right at the intersection at Crowley road and 1187. Turn left at Main Street, over the railroad tracks, turn left at Beverly. The library is located one half mile on left side.

From Crowley Rd. (731): Make a right at the traffic light at the intersection of 731 and 1187 (Rendon/Crowley Rd.).Go over the railroad tracks, turn left at Beverly. The library is located one half mile on left side. "

Don't forget, the 2nd Saturday of the month is POTLUCK! Bring a dish that will serve ten or more.

Stay tuned for news of yarn swaps, and other fun events.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Picking a Day

So, if there's a day that would NOT work for you to attend the knitting/crochet extraordanaire (class), please signify by commenting. I realize most people who will be in attendance do not read this site, but if anyone wanders in and is interested, please adhere to this request. So far the consensus is every Saturday night.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Dish it out!

Stitch-n-Dish is a knitting/crochet group that will start meeting weekly at Crowley Public Library (in the Founder's Room) in early October. The "dish" part comes in to play once a month at our potluck (held at the same location). Beginners are welcome, as are those at an intermediate and even advanced level.

Be sure to keep checking the website, OR email to be on the mailing list for information concerning the classes!
